Our organization exists to come alongside people seeking deeper meaning and purpose, and assist them in building a practical spiritual foundation that can be put to work in everyday life.
Experiential learning
Practical Work
Silence and
and freedom
Esoteric Christianity
At our table there are many chairs, and all are already welcome.​ The Conference of the Birds, the Last Supper, Narnia...it's not somewhere else, it's right here, and now.
Through hands-on education we learn tools for inner development, and foster emotional intelligence through impartial observation of ourselves. May we respond in life rather than react.
We care for the Land where we gather, embodying what we learn through conscious manual labor out in Great Nature—to bridge inner and outer life.
Vulnerability in stable conditions creates a place free from judgement towards ourselves and others. We speak from our actual experience rather than news cycle soundbites.
We are familiar with silence and pray that silence is familiar with us. Intentional rest and solitude free of screens and notifications is a healing haven.
Building and repairs, making songs, cartographies, and liturgies out in the wild. We invite first-timers to lead activities, unbothered by outcome. We follow the roots of the trees deep into the ground, into possibility.
We create stable space to grow and unknow. We learn to hold paradox and cultivate living questions.
The inner wisdom of the Christian lineage provides a basis for our conscious effort to wake up, but includes rigorous disciplines and contemplative practices from a wide range of spiritual streams and teachers.​
In the effort to "Know Thyself" we consistently return to verification. No one can do this work for us, so we must verify for ourselves whether these spiritual tools actually bring results in real life. Why wouldn't we?